Saturday, August 1, 2009

I want my hair to grow longer and faster!!!PLEASE HELP?

I want my hair to grow down to my waist or butt!I see all these encouraging pictures to grow my hair extremly long and i really want to do it,but i need help because my hair is thick and i just need to know all the way i can get it to that length!Im the person who doesnt have any layers in my hair!

What are ways i can allow it to grow extremly long like the picture i will give you! How do they do it!

p.s my hair is right at my chest.

I want my hair to grow longer and faster!!!PLEASE HELP?

On an average hair on the head grows at the rate of approximately 0.5 mm daily. This rate of growth also depends on genetic factors, diet, lifestyle and age of the person. While it may not be possible to have long hair overnight, you can use home remedies to make your hair grow faster. Some of the home remedies are:

1. Hair is made up of protein, so eat foods which contain plenty of protein like fish, eggs, liver, milk products, yeast, wheat germ, sprouts, beans, nuts and yoghurt. Soy protein which is found in tofu also helps.

2. Since hair reflects the overall health of a person, vitamin supplements or fresh food containing the vitamins should be part of the daily diet. Vitamin B complex, biotin and carotene (contained in carrots, yellow fruits and vegetable) are important.

3. Hot oil massages improve the circulation of blood in the scalp and make your hair grow faster. Coconut oil should be applied to the hair for at least an hour so that it is absorbed properly and then washed off. Castor oil can also be used.

4. Trim your hair often, at least once in 5-6 weeks, so that split ends and dry hair are removed. Hair stops growing at the split ends.

5. Apply egg white and neem to your hair. Wash after 3 hours. Alternately, mix eggs and olive oil and apply the mixture to your scalp.

6.Brushing your hair once in the morning and evening improves the circulation in the scalp and makes your hair grow faster. Massaging the scalp with your fingertips also helps improve circulation.

7. Do not blow dry your hair. If possible wash your hair only once a week, with cold water since hot water and harsh shampoos can damage the hair.

8. Drink plenty of water and sleep for 8 - 9 hours a day, since hair grows when a person is resting. Exercising daily will also improve the blood circulation and help your hair grow quickly. Hair grows faster when there is less stress.

Note:-I think u should be happy with the hair u have becoz u said that ur hair is really thick.If u do the above said,u may be able to grow faster,but never get upset if it is not working.If u are tensed then i am sure u will loose hair.It always depends on heridity,genes u have.So be happy always,don't always think of hair.U should divert ur mind to other subjects.

I personally do not like long hair becoz it is difficult to manage,needs lot of oil,shampoo,patience to comb or doing any thing with hair.

I want my hair to grow longer and faster!!!PLEASE HELP?

eat lots of protein but it will probably go 2 ur waist by december or january

I want my hair to grow longer and faster!!!PLEASE HELP?

my hair is thick and my girlfriend is a hairdresser so believe me i know. you must have the ends of your hair cut off every two weeks, try not to wash it for at least 3 days. that will do it. dont fall for any grow your hair quick products, their crap

I want my hair to grow longer and faster!!!PLEASE HELP?

ok then never cut your hair...............................

their growth is always nature

I want my hair to grow longer and faster!!!PLEASE HELP?

eat right and get a good night sleep. my dad wants me 2 grow my hair so he makes me drink this weird smoothie. it's made of bananas, pineapple, blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries. also put olive oil or tea tree leaf oil in it. that is what my cousins do and one of then has hair upto her butt! also get your hair cut about every month about 1/8 of an inch.

I want my hair to grow longer and faster!!!PLEASE HELP?

for healthier, stronger and longer hair- cut ur ends every 2-4 weeks and take vitamin b12. avoid using products that contain alcohol in them (it causes hair to be dry).

I want my hair to grow longer and faster!!!PLEASE HELP?

make sure that you trim your hair once a month, that will make your hair grow faster and healthier. try to use homemade coconut oil that will make your hair healthier too.

I want my hair to grow longer and faster!!!PLEASE HELP?

hey,dont worry! i wont tell u something to eat,but u must like ur hair coz there is a reason u cut ur hair right?? So,be patient and love ur hair!!!

I want my hair to grow longer and faster!!!PLEASE HELP?

Oh my god everything has its own time to survive to grow and so on So better have patience otherwise u will lose even what u have now First thank god for giving u everything there r many who dont have all parts of the body so clam down and listen there is no faster way of growing ur hairs the only thing anyone can help u in promoting a health growth once its healthy it will grow as per ur body's natrual capacity here it the tried and tested remedy but plz do it contiually for atleast a month so that u get the visible results mix olive oil 4 parts 1 part castor oil 1 part alond oil warm and apply on hair by making parting then massage for 10 mints rubbing the oil gently into the scalp this will draw oxygenated blood to ur hair roots then steam the towel wrap ur hair to absorb the oil in do this every twice a week leave the oil in hair for at least 2 hrs not less ok then apply fresh amla paste to the hairs keep for 5 nints then rinse of Will u floow this regularly dear i bet u will get good results

I want my hair to grow longer and faster!!!PLEASE HELP?

Hair is continuously growing and is being shed simultaneously. Home made beauty recipes based on herbs and natural ingredients help improve hair growth. The luster in your hair will depend on what you eat and also on how you treat it. To know more about your hair will help you.

I want my hair to grow longer and faster!!!PLEASE HELP?

mee too!! i also wish for looong hair, i did have it when i was 12 but then i cut it and havent been able to grow it so long since that time :( i have started putting hibiscus powder on my hair twice a week and coconut oil massage twice a week and i think it is working, i also havent put ay chemicals like dyes and straightening cream or anything like that for about 2 years now and my hairs condidion is great after stopping dyeing it. good luck, and if you work it out how to do it plz let me know!! and dont let anyone tell you you are silly for wanting this, a woman is entitled to feel beautiful, but im sure you already are, just its your personal choice, na?

I want my hair to grow longer and faster!!!PLEASE HELP?

use aroma proudects

I want my hair to grow longer and faster!!!PLEASE HELP?

1st clip your spit ends.put indian hemp hair grease on your scalp and ends often.

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