Saturday, July 25, 2009

I just cut my own hair, how can I make it look thinner?

I cut my own hair all the time, but I've always left it really long. This time, when I cut it, I cut it to about collarbone length, and I LOVE it. My only problem is, is that I have naturally really wavey hair, so I straighten it all the time. Before my hair was always layered and angled, so it didn't have a very thick look to it. Now, whenever I straighten it, it looks "poofey", and VERY thick. I don't like it like that, I like it to look flat. I want it to look thinner, when I put about 1/3 of the top of my hair up in a ponytail, I like the way it looks then and how flat it is.

How can I accomplish making my hair appear thinner without taking anything more off the overall length? I know about thinning shears, but what can I do with regular scissors that I have at home? Please help!! Thank you!!

I just cut my own hair, how can I make it look thinner?

its not easey to do with regular sheers but its very easy to do with thinning sheers since you cut your own hair ....go to Sally beauty supply and purchase a pair of "thinning sheers" but go easy on useing them on your hair because you can thin too much very quickly,just place the sheers in the hair where ever you want to thin it and don't worrie about pushing them together it will not cut your hair all the way through lol it just looks like it will.

after you place them in the spot or spots you want to thing then take your comb and comb through it can feel the difference in the thickness if you need more thinned there then set the sheers in the same spot and close them again.

this will not take any length off at all

I just cut my own hair, how can I make it look thinner?

What ever you do,don't thin it out,don't use thinning shears on it. It will make your hair thin,but puffy with short hairs sticking up all over the place that makes it look like your hair is all broken.

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