I have hair that is to the bottom of my @ss. I am wondering if layering it and keeping the length will look good? Has anyone here had hair that long layered and kept the length? How did it look? I just don't want to go in and end up with my hair to the middle of my back so I am worried.
Question about LONG hair?
When our hair gets long and yes, it looks good at one length, we have it cut to the shoulders and send it to Locks of Love, to make wigs. The wigs go to children who have lost their hair from either cancer treatment or another reason. Not only do you feel good for helping others but you can have a new hair style too.
Question about LONG hair?
I don't believe layering takes off length...go have a consultation with a hair stylist before doing anything...that might help answer some of your questions.
Question about LONG hair?
Umm, well, usually layering hair works better with a little bellow shoulder-length hair. I would suggest you to cut it and then layer it, but you're prolly not willing to do it (I know I wasn't) so try a different style of changing your hair. Get bangs, braid it, etc.
Question about LONG hair?
i think you should keep it the way it is.. long hair is very attractive on a lot of people but layering it might not always work
Question about LONG hair?
i say you have enough hair to do something with it.
don't just keep it the same your entire life.
get a new hairsyle.
cut it short if you wanna.
it's just hair, after all.
it'll grow back if you don't like it.
Question about LONG hair?
You can definitely have it layered whilst keeping the length... I have my hair like that.
Have it layered around the front too... this will take some of the "weight" out of it.
Don't be scared of going to the salon.
Question about LONG hair?
just cut it off
it's gross to have hair down to your ***
Question about LONG hair?
Yes agirl name carla my bff. She was asking me the same thing!! So i told her she should cut and she did and it looked hot.Well thats becuase i cut it for her!!!!
Question about LONG hair?
You should definitly cut it shorter...about ten inches. THEN layer it..it will look MUCH better.
Question about LONG hair?
I suggest you have it to the middle of your back cos it will look better than at your @ss. Layer a little.
Question about LONG hair?
I used to ahve hair that long to. But it was really annoying so I donated it to locks of love. But what you are talking about is different. if you layer long hair it will not make your hair shorter but 1 inch. I had mine layered and my hair didn't go shorter. And it looked a lot better to.
If you really want it layered than GO FOR IT!! Again it will not make your hair any shorter!!
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