Saturday, July 25, 2009

Im dying my hair half black at the bottem, and i need help on how to. =)?

Well, i want to dye the "bottem layer" of my hair black, and im doing it myself (alot cheaper) it doesnt seem to hard, but i would love some tips. Im also puttin two random streaks in my frindge aswell. Any help ?

Thanks x x

Im dying my hair half black at the bottem, and i need help on how to. =)?

Here is a tip, don't use black dye. Use a very dark brown instead. It will give you the same look, but in the event you want to go lighter or change it you will be able to. True black hair dye is almost impossible to get out without damage. If you plan to just do the underneath use a rat tail comb to part it and from the nape of your neck pull down about two inches of hair. Tie the rest up and then dye the part that is down. Good luck.

Im dying my hair half black at the bottem, and i need help on how to. =)?

Section out the bottom. and dye that black first. Then, whatever color you're dying the top, do that second. :-) Hope this helps.

Im dying my hair half black at the bottem, and i need help on how to. =)?

section out ur hair how u want n make shur the top halp is covered so u dont get the wrong color on it,dye it and den wait a day to do the nex color.i did mine lyk tat but jus sum advice,u shudnt,i did n it was lyk hell 2 get the color out.i had 2 get it profesionally done n it cost lyk 100bucks n took lyk 8 hrs.da stylist said its almst impossible 2 get blak out of ur hair so i wud go 4 a dark dark looks almst blak bt its a lil lighter

Im dying my hair half black at the bottem, and i need help on how to. =)?

section the bottom off till you acheive the amount of hair you want dyed black - pin the remaining hair up well

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